Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 4: First Pedi Visit

We were anxious to have our pediatrician look at Haley's condition.  She doesn't appear to be sick, but we wanted to make sure if she is getting better and her jaundice level has gone down. 

A nurse told us that she lost 1 pound since the original birth weight.  This isnt't good at all.  Most babies lose weight a couple of days after the birth, but the average loss is 7% - 10%.  She lost 1 pound from her birth weight of 7.1, so she lost 14%.  Not good.  They also took her blood to test the jaundice level.  I cried while they are taking her blood from her feet because she screamed and cried. 

I told the nurse about my struggle with BF.  Unfortunately, the lactation nurse wasn't in today, so my nurse spoke with her on the phone.  I was told to stick to the BF and no formula supplement until the follow-up appointment with the lactation nurse the following day. will be a tough day for sure.

Yup, it was a mentally and physically exhausted day.  Haley screams top of her head when I tried to make her latch.  She can only latch for 10 seconds and gives up.  I pumped as much as possible, but my milk production is not enough.  I was only getting 10 ml per pump, but that was the only thing I could give to her.  My head hurts and I feel like I hit the rock bottom.    


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