Friday, May 31, 2013

9 Weeks Old

Learning Learning and Learning!

Wow, a week makes a big difference in a infant phase.  She is more alert and looking at various objects to become more familier with it.  Since she discovered her hands recently, I started noticing she would suck her fist!  I thought she was maybe hungry at first, but looks like it might be just a comfort thing.  I can see her discovering her finger eventually and she will go for it!

She is also talking a lot!  She makes some cute noises as well as big ones!  I am so curious if she will be an active & talkative baby or not. 

It's exciting and sad at the same time, but she is growing out of her current clothes!  I need to dress her cute more often because she won't fit into those cute outfits soon!!


BPing is getting easier for sure.  I heard that I need to pump 8 times at least to maintain the milk supply, so I have downloaded an iphone app to keep track of my sessions.  My goal is till 6 months because we want to start trying for No.2!  I hope I continue for another couple of months and have decent amount of frozen milk for her to take in the future!

Also....I decided to work from home once a day because I miss her!!!  Today is my first day and I laid out many things like play mat, bouncer, bobby pillow, toys to keep her entertain.  It's a serious multi task job because I gotta work, entertain her and pump!  I like my job and I feel good about earning money, but I think I would like to go part-time when we have the second child. 

Oh!  I have a perfect gift for the father's day coming up!  Joe stepped up and gave me a special mother and daughter letter book for the mother's day, so I had to come up with something unique and special, too.  I am making a special picture story book.  I almost cried making it, so I am sure he will love it!!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

8 Weeks Old

First Sick Time!

We weren't ready for her to get sick so soon.  She has been great and happy baby, so when I saw her watery eyes, coughing & congested on Friday morning, I was concerned.  She sounded pretty bad when I picked her up at daycare.  We were supposed to leave her there for the night for a parent night out, but we decided that we needed to keep our eyes open for her, so we stayed in with her.  I am glad we did because she was miserable :(  Poor little thing couldn't eat because her nose was so stuffed up.  Her face was so yucky and we didn't know what to do, so I called her pedi and got an appointment on Saturday morning.  We were relieved that there was nothing to worry about, but we couldn't do much....because she is too little to take any meds.  I thought she had some sort of allergy from being at SandV night before, but the doctor said, it's probably a mild cold.  We put her in the rocker so that her head could be elavated.  I actually enjoyed having her in the room and she slept pretty well!  This was just a beginning of many more sickness days but as first time parents, we were quite worried about her!!! 

Hands / Leg Move

It's really fascinating to watch her and monitor her development.  She started liking her baby Einstein mat, so it's becoming to have her play there when she gets home from daycare.  I read that a baby doesn't know the existance of her legs and hands in the beginning.  I totally saw that when Haley was just doing her animated move, but I recently noticed the change in her hand movement.  She would look at an object and try to bat at it.  She even grabs the object sometimes!  As for legs, when I hold her straight, she tries to stand on her feet for a little bit.  It is amazing to watch her development and she is only 2 months.    

Thursday, May 16, 2013

7 Weeks Old

Monrining routine is getting better.  I try to prepare as much as possible at night. 

She is sleeping through the night!!!!  Well, she usually clusterfeed.  Someday, she sleeps through from 10pm till 5am!!  I am little bit worried about her less feeding amount, but she looks healthy to me.

Pumping.....I feel like a cow.  I am trying to pump as often as possible at work.  I try every 2.5 - 3 at work b/c it can be difficult to do frequently at home, esp. at night.  It's great that Hay is sleeping better now, but I have to make myself wake up to pump in the middle of night to keep my milk production.  It's not easy and I am sleepy, but watching 90210 on Netflix surely helps! I don't get plugged ducts too often like I used to.  I am not sure if Lecithin is working or the frequency of pumping, but I take it!  

Our deck is done!!!  Love it love it!!!  It's so peaceful there and I cannot wait to hang out with Hayboo and animals. 

6 Weeks Old

The time has come.....I went back to work :(
It's so true that time goes by so fast.  I cannot believe it.

I was planning on working from home 2 days a week.....miserably FAIED!  I couldn't do it.  I had my laptop on the kitchen counter and working.  At the same time, I was kicking the bouncer to calm Hayboo.  It was so exhausting.  It wasn't fair for me and it wasn't fair for her.  I was trying to make her sleep all the time when she should get some fun time with me.  I've decided that she goes to daycare 5days a week...

To be honest, I feel alive going back to work.  Yes, I do miss her, but it's nice to just jump into a car and turn up the music.  Hay was so tired the first day back from daycare.  There are 9 babies and a lot of toys, so I am sure she gets so stimulated! 

Getting ready in the morning is hectic!  I don't know when she would wake up and due to lack of sleep, I am tired at work.  However, it's nice to make money. 

I check her all the time online.  I can usually tell which one is Hay b/c of her hair :)

She likes one of the swings daycare has.  The one swings first, so we got a similar one and it has been working!


Saturday, May 4, 2013

5 Weeks Old

One Month Checkup

I was looking forward to the first pedi checkup because I wanted to make sure that she is a healthy girl!  Her weight was up to 10.5 and she is in the 50% tile, so she is darn average!  She was pretty good in the office and cried only when she was getting a TB shot, but I put her paci right away, so she settled.  I hate seeing her getting vac shots....:(  I know it's necessary, but I am going to take off half day when she has 2 month checkup b/c I heard that those shots are painful.  

What is Going On with Hay?

She still has tons of baby acnes on her face and forehead.  Blisters on her lips are getting better and her feet aren't peeling too much anymore. 

She started spitting!  She spits quite a bit, so it's hard to put her down and change her diaper, so I started putting a bib on her. 

She is growing!!!  We bought infant 0 diapers and they are getting too small for her, so we need to change it to level 1 very soon.  Her clothes, too.  Some onesies and sleepers are too small for her :( 

Sleeping - Wow, she started sleeping longer!  We are giving her a bottle of formula for the last meal of the day and that seems to do the magic.  It does make sense though b/c it's faster to digest BM, so she would get hungry faster. Other day, she slept from 10:30 to 4:30.  That's 6 hrs straight!!!!!  The only problem is that my boobs are so full when I wake up.

Feed - She started taking 2.5oz per feed.  She sometimes doesn't finish it all though and there isn't a set of feeding schedule at this point. 

What is Going On with Mama?

Plugged duct - Oh my goodness.  Challenge never ends with BM!  I get plugged duct so often and I hate it.  It hurts and affects my milk production.  I am glad to know that taking a hot shower for 15 minutes and massage my breasts work to get ride of PD, but it's ridiculous how often they come back.  I feel like wearing the baby wrap causes it, too.  After googling about some prevention, I learned that some women find supplement called Lecithin work, so I went a head to buy it.  It is supposed to thin out milk's thickness.  I have been taking one Lecithin per meal and I think it's working!  My milk production is pretty decent now and I have tons of milk stocks, yay!! 

Pee - My pee used to smell like a maple syrup b/c of the Mother's tea, but lately I noticed that it smells like a cat pee!!  It stinks.  I am not sure if it's my pee or discharge.

OB checkup - I had to take Hayboo to the clinic so I was little nervous, but she didn't have any meltdown!  Everything looks good and my weight is around 107, yay!  I've eating a lot, so this is b/c of pumping.

3 Weeks Old


I am seeing a sleeping trend.  I am not sure how long it will last, but there are times she would sleep for 3 straight hours.  It is quite peaceful when she is in this sleeping mode, so I can get house stuff done!  I should probably catch up with sleep though instead of doing something else.  There are other times where I can tell she is so sleepy but she cannot fall asleep, so she gets fussy.  Poor thing :(

She had been sleeping in our bassinet for a while.  We usually go to bed around midnight and she does good job sleeping for 2-3 hours there, but after she wakes up and eat, she makes all kind of noises, so we cannot sleep! 

To improve our sleeping time (daddy needs to sleep well so that he can bring a bacon and mommy needs to sleep well to take care of little Hay), we setup the baby monitor on the crib on Monday.  Are we sure to let her sleep in the crib already???  Well, we wanted to see how if it works.  The monitor is pretty cool.  I can adjust the camera position and the resolution is pretty good in days and nights.  After our first midnight feeding (around 3am), I put her in the crib and went back to my bedroom.  SUCCESS!  I could see she was sound asleep and didn't hear much of her noises.  She woke up around 6, so I went into the nursery to feed her.

The other problem during our sleep is...Candy.  We gotta do something about her snoring right above our head!!!        


I finished the book called Amber Dusick's Parenting Mas sent me.  I have been reading many books all about babies, but this one was so different.  It has tons of cool illustration and real stories, but they are darn funny!  It made me realized that what I have been going through isn't too bad.  Wait until Haley becomes a toddler and we have to take care his lil sister or brother....

I finally decided to order a book called "The happiest baby in the block".  I heard good things about it, so it was on my wish list, but I finally decided to order one after experiencing Haley can fall asleep in my arm, but as soon as I put her down in the crib, she wakes up.  The book has very interesting theory!  It talks about the reason of Moro reflex and 5s to calm a baby.  5S are Swaddle, Side Way, Shhhhhh, Swing & Suck.  I have been trying it when since she gets a big fussy at night.  I think it works!


I pretty much gave up on nursing even though I bought a nipple shield.  She sucked for a while (made me very happy!) for the first time, but after that, she doesn't like it.  I can tell she is so frustrated and I hate to see that.  You can call me that I am a looser for not trying hard enough, but I know stress does impact my milk production, so I decided a pumping is the way to go for us. 

I used to pump every 1.5 or 2 hrs,but it's quite exhausting and also it only gives me one feed, so I have been pumping every 4 hrs or so.  In this case, my boobs make enough milk and I can usually get 2 feeds (4 oz) in 15 minutes of pumping.  Haley is currently eating about 2 oz per meal.  She eats about every 2 hrs in average, so it's normal.

New Discovery

K'Tan wrap - I finally got it!!  It's really nice because my hands are not tied up with holding her and she seems to be pretty happy baby being near her mommy.  I play internet radio ambiant station and dance around with her!  She loves it and good for my workout ;)

White noise - I thought I had to be always quiet around the baby, but I learned that babies likes noises because that's what they are used to hear while they are in uterus.  I downloaded an app called "Relax M" and she seems to be intrigued by it.  I also tried a hair dryer and kitchen fan.  They calmed Haley down.