Friday, May 31, 2013

9 Weeks Old

Learning Learning and Learning!

Wow, a week makes a big difference in a infant phase.  She is more alert and looking at various objects to become more familier with it.  Since she discovered her hands recently, I started noticing she would suck her fist!  I thought she was maybe hungry at first, but looks like it might be just a comfort thing.  I can see her discovering her finger eventually and she will go for it!

She is also talking a lot!  She makes some cute noises as well as big ones!  I am so curious if she will be an active & talkative baby or not. 

It's exciting and sad at the same time, but she is growing out of her current clothes!  I need to dress her cute more often because she won't fit into those cute outfits soon!!


BPing is getting easier for sure.  I heard that I need to pump 8 times at least to maintain the milk supply, so I have downloaded an iphone app to keep track of my sessions.  My goal is till 6 months because we want to start trying for No.2!  I hope I continue for another couple of months and have decent amount of frozen milk for her to take in the future!

Also....I decided to work from home once a day because I miss her!!!  Today is my first day and I laid out many things like play mat, bouncer, bobby pillow, toys to keep her entertain.  It's a serious multi task job because I gotta work, entertain her and pump!  I like my job and I feel good about earning money, but I think I would like to go part-time when we have the second child. 

Oh!  I have a perfect gift for the father's day coming up!  Joe stepped up and gave me a special mother and daughter letter book for the mother's day, so I had to come up with something unique and special, too.  I am making a special picture story book.  I almost cried making it, so I am sure he will love it!!!

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