One Month Checkup
I was looking forward to the first pedi checkup because I wanted to make sure that she is a healthy girl! Her weight was up to 10.5 and she is in the 50% tile, so she is darn average! She was pretty good in the office and cried only when she was getting a TB shot, but I put her paci right away, so she settled. I hate seeing her getting vac shots....:( I know it's necessary, but I am going to take off half day when she has 2 month checkup b/c I heard that those shots are painful.
What is Going On with Hay?
She still has tons of baby acnes on her face and forehead. Blisters on her lips are getting better and her feet aren't peeling too much anymore.
She started spitting! She spits quite a bit, so it's hard to put her down and change her diaper, so I started putting a bib on her.
She is growing!!! We bought infant 0 diapers and they are getting too small for her, so we need to change it to level 1 very soon. Her clothes, too. Some onesies and sleepers are too small for her :(
Sleeping - Wow, she started sleeping longer! We are giving her a bottle of formula for the last meal of the day and that seems to do the magic. It does make sense though b/c it's faster to digest BM, so she would get hungry faster. Other day, she slept from 10:30 to 4:30. That's 6 hrs straight!!!!! The only problem is that my boobs are so full when I wake up.
Feed - She started taking 2.5oz per feed. She sometimes doesn't finish it all though and there isn't a set of feeding schedule at this point.
What is Going On with Mama?
Plugged duct - Oh my goodness. Challenge never ends with BM! I get plugged duct so often and I hate it. It hurts and affects my milk production. I am glad to know that taking a hot shower for 15 minutes and massage my breasts work to get ride of PD, but it's ridiculous how often they come back. I feel like wearing the baby wrap causes it, too. After googling about some prevention, I learned that some women find supplement called Lecithin work, so I went a head to buy it. It is supposed to thin out milk's thickness. I have been taking one Lecithin per meal and I think it's working! My milk production is pretty decent now and I have tons of milk stocks, yay!!
Pee - My pee used to smell like a maple syrup b/c of the Mother's tea, but lately I noticed that it smells like a cat pee!! It stinks. I am not sure if it's my pee or discharge.
OB checkup - I had to take Hayboo to the clinic so I was little nervous, but she didn't have any meltdown! Everything looks good and my weight is around 107, yay! I've eating a lot, so this is b/c of pumping.
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