It was kind of nice to get out of the house. It was my first time to use a diper bag, so I was hoping I didn't forget anything important! I put 2 bottles just in case she gets hungry....
Speaking of hungry......we think that she is going through the famous cluster feeding stage. She used to eat every 2 hours, but she got really fussy and wants to eat more as soon as we fed her. This threw us off because we didn't want to overfeed her. I was reading the baby book and they suggested to feed her whenever she wants, so that's what we are doing. Oh, my milk production has increase!!!! I don't know if it's the herb or my body trying to adjust to the baby's demand, but I am so happy that I am getting more milk now. I am not sure if my boobs can keep up with the cluster feeding demand, but I am taking the herb and drinking tea all the time. I am also pumping more, so I hope all of my effort helps in the end!
Other thing we are a bit worried about....she pees pretty much everytime when we change her diaper, but no poop. I googled this and looks like some babies can go for a long time without pooping (The one girl said her baby didn't poo for 14 days!!) We have a pedi appointment on Tuesday, so we will bring this up to the physician.
Oh, by the way, Haley started smiling!!!!! It's not intentional but she does give me a smily face sometimes and it just puts me a big smile on me. She changes so much rapidly and I am certainly amused by all the changes :)
Happy Easter! |
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